Thubnail Of Application of a novel lux-based cyanobacterial bioreporter in environmental toxicity

Application of a novel lux-based cyanobacterial bioreporter in environmental toxicity

Thubnail Of Application of a novel lux-based cyanobacterial bioreporter in environmental toxicity
258 Pages
6.65 MB

Que Iba Mal Y Sin Vistas De Solución, Eso Siempre Me Sirvió Para Repetir Ese The Use Of Reporter Genes (lux Genes, Luc Genes, LacZ Operon, Green 2.68. PO4. 3−. 3.18. Conductivity (μS/cm). 702. SO4. 2−. 81.66. TOC (mg/l)a. 8.1. , Download PDF file of Application of a novel lux-based cyanobacterial bioreporter in environmental toxicity, Published originally in 2011. This PDF file has 258 Pages pages and the PDF file size is 6.65 MB. The PDF file is written in Spanish, Categorized in . As of 28 December 2024, this page has been bookmarked by 7,888 people. Now You Can Download "Application of a novel lux-based cyanobacterial bioreporter in environmental toxicity Book" as PDF or You Can See Preview By Clicking Below Button.

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