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The O. Henry Prize Stories 2013: Including stories by Donald Antrim, Andrea Barrett, Ann Beattie, Deborah Eisenberg, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Kelly Link, Alice Munro, and Lily Tuck
The O. Henry Prize Stories 2013: Including stories by Donald Antrim, Andrea Barrett, Ann Beattie, Deborah Eisenberg, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Kelly Link, Alice Munro, and Lily Tuck
475 Pages
1.92 MB

Barrett, Ann Beattie, Deborah Eisenberg, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Kelly Link, Alice Munro, And Lily Tuck  ...

Alice Munro: A Double Life
Alice Munro: A Double Life
139 Pages
2.62 MB

Canadian-born Alice Munro Has Established Herself As One Of The World's Finest Contemporary Short  ...

Stories About Storytellers: Publishing Alice Munro, Robertson Davies, Alistair MacLeod, Pierre
Stories About Storytellers: Publishing Alice Munro, Robertson Davies, Alistair MacLeod, Pierre
392 Pages
1.19 MB

. Stories About Storytellers: Publishing Alice Munro, Robertson Davies, Alistair MacLeod, Pierre Trudeau  ...

Bloom's Modern Critical Views Alice Munro
Bloom's Modern Critical Views Alice Munro
219 Pages
1.29 MB

Bloom's Modern Critical Views. ALICE MuNRO. Edited And With An Introduction By. Harold Bloom  ...

Life of Pi
Life of Pi
238 Pages
1.22 MB

“Readers Familiar With Margaret Atwood, Mavis Gallant, Alice Munro, Michael Ondaatje And Carol  ...

Stories about storytellers : publishing W.O. Mitchell, Mavis Gallant, Robertson Davies, Alice Munro, Pierre Trudeau, Hugh MacLennan, Barry Broadfoot, Jack Hodgins, Peter C. Newman, Brian Mulroney, Terry Fallis, Morley Callaghan, Alistair MacLeod, and many
Stories about storytellers : publishing W.O. Mitchell, Mavis Gallant, Robertson Davies, Alice Munro, Pierre Trudeau, Hugh MacLennan, Barry Broadfoot, Jack Hodgins, Peter C. Newman, Brian Mulroney, Terry Fallis, Morley Callaghan, Alistair MacLeod, and many
392 Pages
3.59 MB

Stories About Storytellers : Publishing W.O. Mitchell, Mavis Gallant, Robertson Davies, Alice  ...

Alice Munro: Understanding, Adapting and Teaching
Alice Munro: Understanding, Adapting and Teaching
161 Pages
1.85 MB

The Book Offers A New Approach To The Study Of Alice Munro's Fiction. Its Innovative Quality  ...

Alice Munro’s Narrative Art
Alice Munro’s Narrative Art
192 Pages
1.89 MB

Alice Munro’s Narrative Art Isla Duncan (auth.)  ...

Alice Munros Best
Alice Munros Best
519 Pages
2.11 MB

Alice Munros Best Munro Alice  ...

The Fiction of Alice Munro: An Appreciation
The Fiction of Alice Munro: An Appreciation
184 Pages
886 KB

As A Short-story Writer, Alice Munro Has Achieved High Critical And Popular Regard In Both Her  ...

Alice Munro
Alice Munro
328 Pages
2.39 MB

Alice Munro's The Progress Of Love: Free (and) Radical, Mark Levene 142. Friend Of My Youth: Alice  ...

Alice Munro- Writing Her Lives
Alice Munro- Writing Her Lives
559 Pages
6.05 MB

Alice Munro- Writing Her Lives Thacker Robert  ...

Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro
Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro
258 Pages
2.31 MB

Ethics And Affects In The Fiction Of Alice Munro Explores The Representation Of Embodied Ethics  ...

Too Much Happiness: Stories
Too Much Happiness: Stories
278 Pages
1.15 MB

In Europe Willing To Employ A Female Mathematician.With Clarity And Ease, Alice Munro Once Again Renders  ...

The Love of a Good Woman : Stories
The Love of a Good Woman : Stories
337 Pages
4.25 MB

. The Rich Layering That Gives Alice Munro's Work So Strong A Sense Of Life Is Particularly Apparent  ...

Alice Munro (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
Alice Munro (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
219 Pages
1.29 MB

Alice Munro (Bloom's Modern Critical Views) Harold Bloom (Editor)  ...

Alice Munro
Alice Munro
328 Pages
2.53 MB

Over More Than Forty Years, Alice Munro’s Reputation Has Slowly Grown To A Point Where She Is Today  ...

Alice Munro
Alice Munro
100 Pages
5.31 MB

In Alice Munro, Brenda Pfaus Provides A Unique And Intriguing Look At One Of Canada's Greatest  ...